Christ was a friend to sinners. He ate and drank with them. Instead of condemning them, he calls them to follow him. Then teaches them WHY they should change their bad habits and replace them with new life-changing ones. In the end, he dies for them. Then he invites them to a feast? When he called "me", I had to accept the invite.
This portfolio is a reflection of how I have surrendered my time and talents to my Creator, even though I still have normal daily responsibilities just like you. I am a husband, a father, a CEO of multiple companies and a director on multiple boards. But more importantly, I am a servant of the Most High God, therefore I'm also a pastor, a church planter and a missionary.
As I continue to grow in Christ, may he be highly exalted, lifted up and glorified through me. May he be glorified through you.
Brandon Braddock